
Purpose and Value of Air Audit

Every year, companies spend significant amounts of money to compress air to operator support their production processes. Industry studies show that 15-60% of the amount spent is wasted!

Contributing factors include:

  • Inefficient and ineffective system operation
  • Misapplication of the air system components
  • Artificial demand and system leaks

Further, the same studies indicate an extremely low awareness among process owners and operators of the significant savings available through compressed air
system optimization. Optimizing a compressed air system starts with an investigation of system operation over a complete operating cycle (typically 7 days). Once all the
data is collected, operating parameters and profiles are analyzed utilizing the principles of compressed air science to clearly define the current system characteristics.

It is only after this analysis that recommendations and solution plans can be made. Our goal is to offer real solutions based on real data and analysis

Major Objectives of Air Audit:

  • To identify opportunities in achieving 15 to 60% of energy savings
  • Improve compressed system efficiency
  • Reduction of unproductive usage of air such as artificial demand and air leakages
  • To improve compressor productivity by utilizing our compressors in the most efficient way and continuous supply of compressed air to match system demand (both pressure and capacity)
  • Improve compressor reliability. Minimizing unscheduled downtime of compressors


The installation of calibrated air auditing equipment to facilitate data logging via an industrial PC at a log rate of 2 to 10 seconds per channel provided raw data to an analysis software package.
Within this software package, the raw data was configured against the known power and output performance for each air compressor and the cost of energy on site over a 24-hour cycle within 7 days.
Through this audit we are able to establish existing system performance, identifying opportunities where significant improvements into system efficiency can be effected.

Methodology: Solutions Capacity Opportunity

Optimizing Air Compressor Capacity Utilization:

Most Air Compressors run most efficiently when fully loaded or turned off.


  • Partially or lightly loaded compressors
  • Incorrect control mode selection
  • Incorrect control set points
  • Rapid load / no load cycling
  • Excessive unloaded run time

Air Audit Solutions Methodology:

  • Control compressors based on coordinated sequences and set points
  • Force all running fixed speed compressors to full load
  • Apply efficient load following VSD compressors for trim load requirements
  • Solutions opportunity Air Compressor capacity utilization

Benefits may include:

  • Reduction in energy consumption Maximized operating compressor efficiency
  • Reduction in maintenance costs Fewer compressors operating
  • Increased reliability Supply capacity back-up / redundancy


Methodology: Solutions Pressure Opportunity
Optimizing air pressure at the lowest possible level:

Unregulated air usage and system leaks consume (waste) more consumed air at higher pressure


  • System pressure elevated over requirements of production equipment
  • Highly variable production
  • Rapid load / unload
  • High pressure drop across clean up equipment
  • Intermittent low pressure spikes

Air Audit Solutions Methodology:

  • Determine lowest possible pressure requirements
  • Establish effective storage
  • Apply flow control for lowest stabilized production pressure

Benefits may include:

  • Reduction in energy consumption Lower compressed air consumption
  • Lower supply side system pressure
  • Reduction in maintenance costs Fewer compressors operating
  • Increased reliability Supply capacity back-up

Methodology: Solutions Storage Opportunity
Optimizing System Storage:

Storage is the one system component where "more is better" and the operating cost is Zero


  • System pressure elevated over requirements of production equipment
  • Highly variable production loading
  • Excessive unloaded runtime
  • Intermittent low pressure spikes

Air Audit Solutions Methodology:

  • Determine lowest possible pressure requirements
  • Establish largest system event and pressure decay criteria
  • Apply storage to support lowest stabilized production pressure

Benefits may include:

  • Reduction in energy consumption Avoid turning on extra compressors
  • Lower supply side system pressure
  • Reduction in maintenance costs Fewer compressors operating
  • Increased reliability Supply capacity back-up / redundancy



  • One (1)  day Plant walk through
  • One (1) day installation of air audit logger tool
  • Seven (7) days data logging
  • Five (5) days Data interpretation and analysis
  • One (1) week Report Generation


Data analysis and computation will have tolerance factor of + / - 10% on energy consumption and savings.

Need More Info?

If you have any questions or concerns about our products or service, feel free to contact us!

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Airtac Compressor Parts and Services (ACPS) is an authorized distributor of Chicago Pneumatic Air Compressor, Air Dryers, filters and can supply original parts of Sullair, Ingersoll Rand, Atlas Copco, Kobelco, Kangkeer, Fusheng, Kaeser, Jucai and other brands of air compressor, vacuum pumps and air dryers.